Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss and Performance

Could This Ketosis-Based Elixir Hold The Key To Weight Loss, World Record Performances, Brain Healing and More?

A special kind of compound called "ketone esters" seem to be taking the sports and biohacking world by storm. Scientific American published the article "Ketone-Based Sports Drink Promises Edge for Athletes", claiming an extra 2% of energy from the use of ketones, which is the equivalent of 60 yards in a 30 minute row, along with a world record broken in a lab test of ketones. Cycling Weekly wrote "Ketones: New energy drink could be next big thing in cycling."... Tech and Innovation Daily featured the article "The Difference Between Sports Champs and Sports Chumps? Ketones."... ...and Daily Mail Online reported "Could this elixir hold the key to weight loss? Experts hope it'll also treat diabetes, epilepsy and Alzheimer's"... ...I've even written about my own forays into ketosis for everything from Ironman triathlon to freediving in the article "How To Get Into Ketosis". In today's podcast, I take an even deeper dive into ketosis and specifically focus on a type of ketosis supplement called "ketone salts", also known as "synthetic ketones". My guest is Dr. Richard Veech. Dr. Veech is one of the world's foremost experts on ketosis, and the Senior Researcher and Laboratory Chief at The National Institutes of Health, the inventor of the ketone ester, and has worked for the last 47 years studying cellular energy and homeostasis. During our discussion, you'll discover: -The fastest way to get into ketosis... -Why humans are the only animal that can truly get into ketosis... -Why Dr. Veech believes that the exogenous ketones currently on the market can be extremely dangerous... -Why a "true" ketone ester is actually a salt free and non racemic (D-bhb) drink that replicates the actual secondary fuel that the body produces during times of starvation... -Why a non-racemic, non-salt version of ketones so expensive ($3000+ a bottle!)... -The truth about something called "NAD" as the next big anti-aging drug... -Which supplements Dr. Veech would use for anti-aging... -Whether or not coconut oil can truly work for curing Alzheimer's as some may claim... -How Dr. Veech received DARPA funding and created a new fuel for the troops... -Dr. Veech's most recommended method of measuring ketones... Resources from this episode: -Precision Xtra blood monitors -book - Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure?: The Story of Ketones -Dr. Veech's NIH website -Brain Octane C8 -1,3 Butane-Diol -Beyond Resveratrol: The Anti-Aging NAD Fad -Ketonix breath testing Research: Lendvai N, Pawlosky R, Bullova P, Eisenhofer G, Patocs A, Veech RL, Pacak K. Succinate-to-fumarate ratio as a new metabolic marker to detect the presence of SDHB/D-related paraganglioma: initial experimental and ex vivo findings. Endocrinology. 2014;155(1):27-32. Veech RL. Ketone esters increase brown fat in mice and overcome insulin resistance in other tissues in the rat.Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2013;1302:42-8. Nakagawa T, Ge Q, Pawlosky R, Wynn RM, Veech RL, Uyeda K. Metabolite regulation of nucleo-cytosolic trafficking of carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP): role of ketone bodies. J Biol Chem. 2013;288(39):28358-67. Kashiwaya Y, Bergman C, Lee JH, Wan R, King MT, Mughal MR, Okun E, Clarke K, Mattson MP, Veech RL. A ketone ester diet exhibits anxiolytic and cognition-sparing properties, and lessens amyloid and tau pathologies in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2013;34(6):1530-9. Srivastava S, Baxa U, Niu G, Chen X, Veech RL. A ketogenic diet increases brown adipose tissue mitochondrial proteins and UCP1 levels in mice. IUBMB Life. 2013;65(1):58-66. Do you have questions, comments, or feedback about ketone salts or anything else that Dr. Veech and I discuss? Leave your thoughts at and one of us will reply.

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